Why trucks need RADAR sensors

Due to the size of the vehicle, the need for assisting the driver in detecting objects around the truck is also a lot higher than in the case of passenger vehicles.Trucks are big and because of this, the truck driver has to be super vigilant in checking their blind spots.  Before doing any maneuver truck drivers are required to check in six different mirrors and yet in the right-hand drive countries they have big is on their left side and in the left-hand drive countries, they have big blind spots on their right side.  Because of these blind spots accidents occur.  Many accidents also occur due to unintentionally leaving lanes and rear-end collisions also a big blind spot for the driver. Apart from other factors in Europe all the trucks are now fitted with RADAR sensors as there are legal demands for automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning Smart Micro Automotive RADARs provide a number of automotive RADARs which can provide the ADAS features to trucks.  They have many upcoming RADAR antennas such as: 

  •  24Ghz (Type 44 and Type 45) and
  • two antennas based on higher frequencies (Type 132 and Type 146).
  • These new products come with a raw target interface which will allow  easy development of several customer-specific applications.
  •  Type 44, Type 45 and Type 146 will become available soon